Like humans, our greenery requires adequate macro and micronutrients to grow in the best way possible. In the same way, we stay particular about adding certain grams of protein, carbohydrates, calcium, etc., and plants are also quite specific about what they require in their daily diets. More so, because as humans, we can walk around and get the nourishment we need and lack; plants mostly stay in the same place for their whole lives, so it is our job as responsible plant parents to allocate the needed nourishment through boosters and other solutions. Let’s learn more about plant nutrients, their types, and how to know if your plant buddy lacks a particular nutrient by gauging its symptoms!
What Are Plant Nutrients?
Plant growing nutrients fall into the plant nourishment category essential for a plant’s thriving future. These nutrients determine whether the plant will live a healthy life with glossy green leaflets, delicious yield, and gorgeous blooms. Some of this nourishment also conditions the soil to make it more productive and fertile over the years.

How Many Essential Nutrients Does A Plant Require?
Almost every plant craves three essential plant nutrients, except those that thrive on neglect. The primary plant nutrients are as follows:
1. Nitrogen
You might be surprised to know that nitrogen gets released into the system when humans intake protein. Similarly, nitrogen works like a sort of protein for our green buddies. It also functions the same way for animals. This nutrient enriches the stalk growth of a plant, but be careful, as overfeeding nitrogen can diminish a plant’s immunity and fruiting capacity.
2. Phosphorus
It enables your flowering plants to blossom with the prettiest flowers. Phosphorus also strengthens the plant’s root structure and boosts the capacity to generate seeds. This nutrient also protects the plant from the wrath of pests and diseases. Giving to edible and vegetable-yielding plants strengthens the tissues and improves the taste.
3. Potassium
This mineral gives phosphorus some company in strengthening the root system and creating seeds. Potash is also useful for weather-proofing the plant from extreme temperature fluctuations. However, any excess and your plant will stop responding to other minerals like magnesium, calcium, etc.
This combination of NPK is really vital for a plant’s healthy growth. Sometimes, one may find a fertilizer with NPK in a balanced ratio like 20:20:20. Other times; the ratio can showcase the focus on a single nutrient with the combination of the other two in low proportions. For instance, a 20:6:6 NPK solution is rich in nitrogen and can be given to plants that lack more nitrogen. However, a 6:20:6 NPK solution will suit a plant about to go into the blooming season, with phosphorus as the highlighted nutrient.

There are some more plant nutrients that are mostly known as micronutrients. Like humans consume protein as a macronutrient but vitamins as a micronutrient, plants also need a series of micronutrients in a lower ratio than the macros. These micronutrients are calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, boron, etc. These are often not a part of the chemical nourishment boosters, and the organic ones contain almost all the essential types of plant nutrients in different ratios.
How Do Plants Get Nutrients?
Once the nutrients in the soil are dissolved in the poured water, the process called osmosis begins, which shifts the nutrients from the place of high concentration to low concentration. These nutrients then move upward through root cells through the xylem, the plant’s pipeline, to the plant’s tissues. Besides the roots, plants can also get nourishment through foliar sprays, nourishment poured on the foliage. The leaflets directly take on the nutrients and use them to get bigger and more beautiful!
Moreover, plant nutrients for hydroponics are used when the plant grows through the hydroponic system, i.e., without soil, taking water as the primary growth medium. Hydroponic plant nutrients are poured into the hydroponic setting and are used for propagating and growing different varieties of plants. These plant growth nutrients are no different from those used in the soil-based gardening approach.
Plant Nutrients and Their Functions:
The best way to understand the function of plant nutrients is by going about it in reverse. We mean that it is better to understand the symptoms a plant experiences when it lacks a certain nutrient to know which nutrient is responsible for bettering which part of a plant’s well-being.

▶ If your plant’s leaves start turning pale, it is time to feed it nitrogen. However, if the leave’s edges turn yellow, magnesium is the need of the hour.
▶ When the plant’s leaves form different from their original shape or seem warped, pour some calcium. Also, a lack of potassium can cause a deformed yield or be due to excess nitrogen in the soil.
▶ No matter how much you try, but still no flowering? That’s a classic case of missing phosphorus in the soil. Moreover, pick some nitrogen-rich fertilizer if the foliage is lighter than its original dark green.
▶ If the leaves look like they caught fire at the edges, phosphorus must be lacking. Further, if the foliage is weirdly dark, unlike its natural lighter shade, blame it on the phosphorus again.
▶ You have recently brought a little young plant baby at home, but it grows with wrinkles. We bet it’s potassium that’s lacking in the soil.
▶ The growth stage of plants also determines the best plant nutrients for them. For example, nitrogen should be a priority at a young age, but when it’s time for the decorative plant seeds to blossom with blooms, focus more on phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. However, the fruiting season calls for an additional dose of potassium and phosphorus with balanced nitrogen on the sides.
▶ Nutrients in plants are not only important for healthy growth, but they are also vital to keep our plants safe from insects and diseases. Fungal plant diseases can be prevented by using potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. However, plants should be given a proper nitrogen, calcium, and potassium diet to fight bacterial infections.

What Are The Top 10 Nutrients For Plants?
There are several ways of incorporating nutrients into the plant’s diet. Here we have mentioned the most popular plant nutrients for you to pick the ones suitable for your plants:
1. Garden Manure
Manure, one of the organic measures of supplying nutrients to plants, changes how the plants live. It is filled with essential nutrients that create a healthy atmosphere for the plants when mixed with the potting soil. Our Phosphate Rich Organic Manure is an excellent pick for flowering beauties on their way to producing the prettiest blooms! It will also make the plant resistant to diseases while strengthening its roots.
2. Bio-fertilizer
The bio-fertilizer is another organic candidate for nourishing plants and the soil, which is an eco-friendly product for enriching the plant’s nourishment quota. The Greenrich Grow More Organic Bio Fertilizer is a great source of plant macro and micro nourishment. It improves the overall condition of the soil and prevents soil erosion during heavy rains.
3. Vermicompost
When the cow dung compost is left for the earthworms to feast upon, this manure called vermicompost is created. It boosts the plant’s growth by strengthing its roots and loosening the soil for better airflow. The Organic Soil Medium Vermicompost also assists in retaining moisture in the soil. This manure filled with earthworm castings is a superhero in the gardening world.
4. Chemical Fertilizers
One of the most sought-after gardening products is chemical fertilizers, which provide balanced amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. One may always pick the ones that have a customized ratio of the macronutrients. For example, our NPK 00:52:34 Fertilizer is filled with the blessings of phosphorus and potassium without any nitrogen, making it best for plants with adequate amounts of nitrogen in the soil.
5. Perlite
The job of perlite is to ensure the plant’s soil is ready to absorb all the upcoming nourishment, is not too tight, and can retain adequate moisture. It can also be used for hydroponic plants and young saplings. Perlite enhances the looseness of the soil to induce better airflow. Its tiny pockets help retain the water and release moisture when the plants need it.

6. Organic Fertilizers
There are a number of organic fertilizers available in online gardening stores like Plantlane. These may come in granular and liquid forms. They are an excellent way to introduce essential nourishment to the plant and boost the soil’s overall health. They are made without disturbing the ecosystem's natural cycles and don’t pose any risk of acid burns if overfed.
7. Vermiculite
This product results from severe exfoliation of the billion-year-old rocks found in the mines. Once mined, it goes through a vigorous heating process to prepare for usage in our backyards. Vermiculite is an amazing gardening product that helps the soil absorb more nourishment, experience better drainage, become looser, and establish better air circulation.
8. Cocopeat & coco chips
Made of raw coconut, this product is becoming increasingly popular with time. It greatly enriches the soil’s ability to grow healthy plants from one season to another. It conditions the soil in a positive manner, making it more productive, fertile, and nutrient-rich. The Compressed Natural Coco Peat Block is quite the pick for raising flower beds, orchids, and other outdoor greenery!
9. Hydroponic Nutrients
Just as plants require the macro and micronutrients in soil-based gardening, they require the same nutrients when growing through the hydroponic systems. The hydroponic nutrients are responsible for fulfilling the requirements of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc., through the water as their mixing agent.
10. Plant Soil
Last but not least, you might purchase the best of the mobile nutrients in plants, but what if the soil you are using is not perfect for your plant’s upbringing? An Enriched Homemade Potting Soil Mix can uplift your plant’s spirits by allowing them to absorb most of the required nourishment. It is naturally made to increase airflow, retain moisture, and embrace the nourishment provided.

Plant nutrients are one of the most important criteria for deciding whether one will have a beautiful, flowy garden! Every plant should be given a balanced diet to grow to its full potential. One may always choose from the numerous plant boosters available in the market. These are super essential to provide the plant with a safe space to grow and spend the rest of their lives!
FAQs About Plant Nutrients In India
Ques: Which Is The Best Plant Nutrient?
Ans: One can choose from chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers, manure, perlite, etc. Also, if the plants are growing through hydroponics, then go for nourishment suitable for the hydroponic systems.
Ques: Do fertilizers Provide All Essential Nutrients To Plants?
Ans: Some fertilizers might cover most nutrients; others might focus on a particular nutrient. It is important to read the specifications before purchasing fertilizers.
Ques: How Do I Know If My Plants Lack Nutrients?
Ans: Your plants will show symptoms of missing nourishment through their personality. They might start dropping flowers, get paler leaves with burnt edges, pick some diseases, etc., to remind you of their nutrition deficiency.
Ques: When Should I Give My Plants Their Nutrients?
Ans: Plants require nourishment from their young stage to their growing, blooming, and fruiting seasons. However, the dominant nutrient in all stages might differ.
Ques: Do All Plants Require Additional Nourishment?
Ans: Some plants are too low-maintenance, so they don’t require any additional diets other than a well-nourished soil base. However, others will crave a balanced diet to grow in the best way possible!