Greenery unfolds in gorgeous ways wherever propagated, yet there are several ways of experimenting with this natural boon. While the traditional methods of gardening motivate us to stick to our roots using the earth, several gardening techniques have come up on the surface in recent years. In this blog, Know the top 10 aquatic plants.
Aquatic gardening is one such unique method of bringing home the goodness of aquatic plants. However, this technique is not that modern, as people globally have been following this art for quite some time. Sometimes people confuse it with hydroponic gardening, but understand that water being a similar element in the propagation method doesn’t make both a copy. Check out the complete details about the most popular aquatic plants in India.
What is Aquatic Gardening?
This type of gardening uses water as an alternative to soil, so certain green buddies are grown in water bodies like ponds, tanks, containers, flower vases, and aquariums; we call these plants aquatic plants. This gardening technique is excellent for imbibing the magic of the water element with the greenery’s magnificence.

What are Aquatic Plants?
Aquatic plants are the greenery that accepts water as their home for life, eliminating the requirement of rich plant soil. These differ from the hydroponic plants, as the latter is a method for propagation of green buddies through water, even the ones that can grow without it. Like hydroponic gardening requires hydroponic nutrients, aquatic plants also crave proper nourishment in the form of liquid fertilizers.
What are the Types of Aquatic Plants?
Aquatic plant beauties are further classified into three parts based on the level of water submersion. Here’s how:
1. Emergent Plants
Such greenery peaks out of the water after maturity, with its vegetative and ornamental plants emerging in the air; this paves the road for better photosynthesis.
2. Submerged Plants
These aquatic beauties are in complete love with water, so they prefer staying below the water's surface, totally submerged.

3. Floating Plants
They are often classified into further two types: one having roots in the substrate, so only the vegetation stays afloat, while the other category floats over water freely.
What are the Top 10 Aquatic Plants in India?
1. Water Lettuce
Commonly known as Pistia and Jalpari in India, this aquatic plant is one of the most loved ones in this category. It grows with large velvety green leaflets that mature big without any stem support. It floats on the water, looking absolutely gorgeous. Some gardeners also consider this plant for providing a privacy cover to small fish. Its presence is enough to reduce any algae blooms in the water body.
2. Water Hyacinth
This plant thrives in the water that it is often termed the weed plant of the aquatic world. The water hyacinth has typically been called the terror of Bengal in India for its bad reputation of absorbing all the oxygen from the water, leaving the fish to die. Since Bengal is a prominent cultivator of fish, hence the name. However, this plant looks absolutely beautiful with its silky green leaves and pretty purple flowers.

3. Money Plant
If you are even a bit into the art of gardening, you must have heard of the golden pothos plant. It is prevalent in the Indian subcontinent under two other categories: low-maintenance and good-luck plants. The money plant flourishes in water, and you can even put it into a flower vase with tap water, and that is all that it needs. This is one of the fuss-free aquatic beauties that don’t bother much and also summons prosperity in the house.
4. Water Chestnut
One of the famous aquatic fruits in tropical and subtropical locations worldwide is the Singhara, which is a byproduct of this plant. The water chestnut plant grows with triangular green and bronze-shaded leaves that overlap each other in perfect synchronization. Moreover, it births delicious green fruits that are an excellent source of nutrition. This plant requires a nutritious water source as its residence to produce such savory and healthy fruits.
5. Water Lillies
The combination of water and flowers is a promising way to merge the magical beauty of both. Water lilies are an aquatic ornamental beauty that requires initial propagation in the soil. Separate the buds along with the leaflets and place them into the water to let them sprout further. Its leaves spread in a circular motion, cut in patterns around the edges, while the stunning white blooms sprout out of the water, clinging to a green stem. It has about forty variants, each differing in the propagation technique, as some require deep water while others ask for shallow.

6. Lotus
How can one talk of aquatic greenery without mentioning the surreal beauty of lotus? It is the national flower of India, making it even more famous than it already is! This plant has a reputation for shielding its originality, as it is often called the purest plant worldwide. It is available in several hues of white and pink, so one may pick the shade one likes. Moreover, this plant is often seen blossoming even in muddy waters, making it highly fuss-free.
7. Water Star Grass
This plant is the submerging variety of aquatic plants that stay happier in the depths of water, so one can quickly propagate it in aquariums. It is one of the most robust aquatic cultivars that spread freely with its rugged personality under the water. All one requires is to promise it proper lighting, and this aquatic beauty will show no end to flourishing. It gets its name from its appearance, imitating the grassy landscapes of the soil-based cultivations.
8. Duckweed
These are tiny aquatic beauties that grow with bright green leaves and little flowers. The duckweed is beneficial for the pond’s ecosystem by becoming a food source for several water wildlife species. They look pretty amazing in any water source, especially a bronze antique container. It will either unfold just below the water's surface or float over its seamless stillness.
9. Oxygenating Plants
Whenever planting aquatic greenery, make sure you pick some oxygenating greenery that maintains the richness of oxygen in the water. These plants are ideal to clean the water element and balancing the oxygen content throughout. Some examples include Ceratophyllum, Ranunculus, etc. It is advisable to grow different oxygenating plants together, as only the fittest will survive the conditions.

10. Marsh Plants
These plants fall into the hardy aquatic plants names as they are pretty robust in their appearance. Nonetheless, these plants look attractive enough to become a part of the aquatic greenery. These are often propagated under the water’s surface, emerging out with bright green foliage and blooms. Marsh plants like Iris, Typha, etc., are often propagated along the edges of the water bodies to highlight other propagations.
What are the Benefits of Aquatic Plants?
★ Enhances Ornamental Value
Growing aquatic greenery might seem demanding, but it will look otherworldly, compensating for all the hard work you put into upbringing it. These plants increase the decor quotient with their presence and introduce beautiful greenery to the water elements.
★ Creates Water Eco-system
Once you propagate underwater aquatic plants and floating aquatic plants, you will find several water wildlife creatures popping near the water bodies. Just as soil-based propagations invite landscape wildlife, water-based propagations also summon certain natural elements.

★ Cleans The Water
Often, the aquatic plants end up cleaning the water from any excess nutrients and making way for a better water environment. These plants also reduce the chances of algae growth around the water bodies, so one may use a garden sprinkler amidst the pond without worrying about damaging it.
★ Acts As Food
If you have a pond and some fish in it, the next best thing to do is provide those fish with a consistent source of food through these aquatic beauties. Also, these plants are often seen showstopping in aquariums, cleaning the water while making it more beautiful than before.
★ Takes The Center Stage
No matter how many landscape plants you have, once you grow some water species, all eyes will be attracted to the water element. The aquatic greenery is a sure shot method to catch some eyes, so you can place the ponds amidst the garden seating area.
Care Guidelines for Aquatic Plants:
➤ First of all, decide the location where you wish to see these plants flourishing. Whether it is a pond, tank, or container, select a place for it to bloom with grace.
➤ Ensure the aquatic greenery catches some sun when outdoors; however, if it resides under an aquarium, then provide it with artificial lighting. Also, consider your plant’s preference when it comes to lighting, as not all of them wish to see the light.

➤ Use clean and clear water so that there are fewer obstacles for the aquatic plants.
➤ You can layer the container with garden stones & pebbles to define the water body.
➤ Water acts as a source of co2 for aquatic plants, and these green buddies use both carbon dioxide and oxygen to flourish with richness.

➤ These plants also require nourishment boosters in the form of liquid fertilizers.
➤ The aquatic plants for fish are different from the general water-based greenery, so gauge their differences and preferences before bringing them home.
FAQs About Growing Aquatic Plants In India
Ques: How Long Will My Aquatic Plants Live?
Ans: The best aquatic plants will last for a few months before they go into dormancy. However, all of them have different maturity periods and life.
Ques: How Do Aquatic Plants Grow?
Ans: All popular aquatic plants require a certain amount of sunlight mixed with the main ingredient, which is water. Water fulfills the carbon dioxide requirement for these plants, while nutrient-rich fertilizers rich in potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorous make way for enhanced growth.
Ques: Do Aquarium Plants Clean Water?
Ans: Yes, aquatic plants have a reputation for cleaning water bodies from toxic metals and other decontaminants. These also absorb carbon dioxide to oxygenate the water for wildlife.
Ques: Is It Challenging To Grow Aquatic Plants?
Ans: Growing aquatic plants is not difficult if one follows proper guidelines; however, some of them are really hassle-free to propagate from the beginning.
Ques: From Where Can I Buy Aquatic Plants For My Home?
Ans: The beauty of online gardening stores is that we can easily purchase all sorts of plants from the convenience of our comfort zones. Hop on our online website to pick your favorites in the aquatic plant category and order them home through the finesse of online delivery.