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Top 10 Orchid Flower Plants - Types, Uses, And Maintenance

by Surbhi Tanwar 05 Aug 2023
Top 10 Orchid Flower Plants - Types, Uses, And Maintenance

We all love flowers due to their immense juxtaposition with the world of beauty and grace, so having a flourishing flowering garden is all that a gardener desires! While foliage-rich plants have their beauty, the flowering plants present an opportunity to decorate our ambiance with the love of colors, romanticizing the whole experience. Although there are endless flowering specimens in the world, the blue orchid flower restores a special place for itself, being one of the most exotic flowering groups of plants. The top 10 orchid flower plants can rejuvenate any space in no time, so let’s learn about these eccentric groups of plants before introducing them to our personal spaces.

What Are Orchid Plants?

Orchid Plants

Orchids are one of the most ancient flowering greenery that traces back their originality to the age of dinosaurs. These are also among the rare plant genus that has over thirty thousand species worldwide, and with the intervention of human hybridization, these species have reached a gregarious number of over one lakh fifty thousand. They are not only vintage but also have special mentions in the ancient texts of several cultures, including Indian culture.

Although one will witness them thriving in all environments except the coldest regions of Antarctica and the driest parts of the desert areas, when growing them at home, one must make a healthy balance between lighting, temperatures, and humidity levels. These are super popular in Indian culture for their value as gorgeous cut flowers.

Cultural Significance Of Orchid Flower Types

Orchid comes from the Greek word ‘Orchis,’ which means male anatomy. The name was allotted to these exquisite flowers by a Greek philosopher who could see the similarities between these blooms and the male anatomy. The colour of orchid flowers has a deep symbolic relationship with the realities of the contemporary world, and the symbols keep changing in different cultures and time zones.

For instance, these flowers represent objects of desire, love, strength, innocence, luxury, and perfection in different zones of existence. While the Greeks denote them as a symbol of virility, the English people consider them a sign of wealth. Japanese put the orchid flower trees on a higher pedestal, claiming they represent royalty. The Philippines compare them to guards of the forest, while the Chinese think of them as symbols of perfection - a balance between virtue and truthfulness.

What Are The Top 10 Orchid Flower Plants In India?

As we know, the orchid plant online is ubiquitous in nature, so many of them look stunning when grown at home. But too many options can often confuse the plant parents regarding these widespread and charming plant buddies. So, we have catered a list of the top 10 orchid flower plants for you to understand their being in a deeper manner.

Orchid Flower Plants

1. Aerides Maculosa

A native to India, the Aerides orchid is also called the Foxbush orchid or the Cat’s-tail orchid around Southern Asia. It is known as an epiphyte, meaning it grows on tree bark, receiving moisture and nourishment from the atmosphere around them. Their care involves placement on a brightly lit windowsill with temperatures between fifteen to thirty degrees Celsius.

2. Acampe Praemorsa

Another indigenous orchid variety in India is the Acampe praemorsa which thrives in the Southern parts of India, especially Kerala, and Karnataka. It also belongs to the epiphyte group of orchids, growing from the bark of the trees. This natural blue orchid flower grows with yellowish-brown blooms, growing in clusters attached to the tree barks.

3. Bulbophyllum

This is one of the largest genus of orchids, including about two thousand species in its name. It grows with a flat and creeping rhizome-like structure in gorgeous shades. Requiring partial shade, this monkey orchid flower grows comfortably in atmospheres having mild temperatures between twenty to twenty-five degrees Celsius. One should keep it more during the hot months of the year.

4. Dendrobium

Another large genus of orchids, the Dendrobium orchid, has about eight hundred species falling under its name. All species carry drastic differences in their beings, ranging from changes in appearance, fragrance, and shades. Some species sprout directly from the tree trunks, while others might require a period of lethargy to bloom better later on.

5. Cattleya

A ghost orchid flower that offers fragrance straight from the heavens, this one is a pure epiphyte, sprouting from tough spots like rocks and mighty trees. Endemic to America, it is now being propagated as a plant in floor planters. This orchid requires bright lighting during the winters and outdoor shade during the summers, with temperatures not crossing unbearable levels.

Best orchid flower

6. Dracula

The name might make you wonder whether we are talking about vampires or orchids, but it gets justified when you look at its flowers. The blooms are pure beauty with a glittery appearance mixed with bright shades. These types of orchid plants don’t like temperatures above thirty degrees Celsius and below fifteen degrees Celsius.

7. Vanda

One of the oldest orchid species in India, Vanda is one such orchid that finds a mention in the Vedic texts. It naturally occurred in India about five to six centuries ago and has stayed ever since. This red orchid flower grows without a soil medium with aerial roots hungry for atmospheric moisture. One should pour lukewarm water on its aerial roots, sparring its foliage to add years to its life.

8. Miltonia

An original from America, this orchid specie has gone through several hybridization processes that have transformed it to love warm climates, too. However, one should still settle it in cool, shaded spots with bright, filtered light. Summers will ask for generous watering, but one should withhold hydration during winter dormancy.

9. Wilsonara

This orchid results from one of the beautiful experiments gone right in the gardening world. It is a sweet hybrid between the Odontoglossum, Cochlioda, and Oncidium. Its specimens are evidently graceful, with bright red blooms attached to the stems or a variety that imitates a tiger’s skin. This yellow orchid flower loves temperate climates where the temperatures don’t exceed eighteen degrees Celsius.

Popular Orchid Flower Plants

10. Ascocenda

A close cousin of the Vanda orchid, this one is a true beauty in every sense. Although it has smaller blooms than the Vanda, it produces them in more numbers. Ideal for a flower vase, this single blue orchid flower carries aerial roots that soak moisture from the air. Once settled in the vase, you only need to fill the container with water for about half an hour and empty it afterward; the roots flourish with such watering techniques.

How To Take Care Of The Top 10 Orchid Flower Plants?

Remember that all beauty comes at a cost, and the cost of planting black orchid flowers at home is to stay attentive to their needs. Here’s some light on orchid plant care in a home garden:

  • These delicate beauties don’t do well in the direct warmth of the sun, so it’s always better to expose them to a shaded spot. You can also use grow lights indoors if the ambiance is too dimly lit.
  • Most species accustomed to Indian climates will still require a temperate climate ranging from twenty to thirty degrees Celsius.
  • Hydrating the blood orchid flowers depends on the species at large, but the general rule is to water the ones with thick leaves more than the ones with faux bulbs.
  • Orchids require weak chemical fertilizers that fulfill their nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus requirements. Ensure you don’t overfeed them with boosters, which can harm their well-being.
  • The soil used for propagating purple orchid flowers at home is not like the basic one we use for our usual plants. Ensure grabbing plant soil made exclusively to serve the blue purple orchid flowers, as it will be more porous to allow better airflow.
  • It won’t be much to say that the white orchid flowers feed on humidity, so the goal is to set an ambiance of sixty to eighty percent humidity.
  • Don’t forget to prune your pink orchid flowers to give them space for rejuvenation and renewed growth.
  • Remember that every specie might need different circumstances to thrive, so don’t forget to google how to plant orchid in pots before bringing them home, or you may ask for expert advice, too.

What Are The Uses Of Orchids Flowers In India?

Don’t be deceived by the mesmerizing beauty of orchids that makes them popular in orchid flower decoration, as they are not only gorgeous, but they also possess magical qualities that are beneficial to human health. Let’s find out about the uses of the top 10 orchid flower plants in India:

➤ Very few people know this but orchids are an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber, so mixing the flowers in a healthy juice or smoothie is enough to pump your immunity. This juice can also aid in reducing ulcers and relaxing stomach aches.

➤ The extract of orchid flowers is known worldwide to have vitamin A and other antioxidants responsible for replenishing the skin and removing aging signs.

➤ Their ample inheritance of vitamins A, C, and E gives them a boon to prevent the eyes from getting any diseases.

➤ Suffering from indigestion? Fret not, for the most charming flower in your indoors can make that indigestion go away in a blink. Just mix the flowers in a healthy soup, and it’s done.

➤ All of us are fans of the soothing aromas of orchid flowers, and we can’t stress enough how calmly these blooms affect mental health.

Top Orchid Plants In India

Orchids comprise the most stunning species of flowering plants in the world, and they sure are blooms, but their care and maintenance entail different parameters than our usual flowering greenery. However, the good news is that they are available at affordable prices, so the price of orchid flowers will not make a hole in your pocket so that you can experiment with the exquisite beauty bestowed on us by nature!

FAQs About Top Orchid Plants In India

Ques: Can I Give Orchid Plants As Gifts?

Ans: Absolutely! These stunning beauties will make for a brilliant present for your kith & kin.

Ques: How Can I Preserve Orchids?

Ans: One may preserve them by storing them in an airtight container and covering it with silica gel. Another way is to go old-school and store them in books.

Ques: Which Flowers Make A Good Pair With Orchids?

Ans: Roses, hydrangeas, lilies, tulips, peonies, etc., are eye-catching when paired with orchids. You can go through several orchid flower images to understand which complements other blooms.

Ques: Do Orchid Flower Colors Have Some Significance?

Ans: Yes. Orchid flower colors resemble different qualities; purple orchids represent royalty and respect, while white orchids boast innocence and purity. Pink stands for femininity, and yellow for a beginning of a friendship. Moreover, if you wish to sprinkle bold vibes, go for an orange one.

Ques: Is Vanilla An Orchid?

Ans: Yes, this might come as a surprise, but the vanilla flavor, that’s almost a comfort zone for everyone, comes from the pods of an orchid called Vanilla Planifolia.

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